Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, 10/22/08.

1. Finish reading "The Necklace" in the Holt textbook (p. 160).
2. Copy down four CDs from the text that show the protagonist's characterization (what she says/thinks, what she does, how she looks, how she affects others around her). Then write about what kind of person you think she is.
2. VPP p. 25 copy and complete the sentences that use the vocabulary words.

World Literature
1. Finish the foreshadowing boxes sheet (in-class) by filling in two examples of foreshadowing (CDs) into the boxes on the left from the story "The Landlady."
2. Write an 8-sentence essay-style body paragraph using CDs and CMs on the story "The Landlady." Here is the prompt:
How does Dahl use foreshadowing in the story “The Landlady?”
You may use this sentence as your first (topic) sentence in the paragraph:
Dahl uses many odd and out-of-place things in his story “The Landlady” to foreshadow what will happen after the story ends.
3. VPP p. 25 copy and complete the sentences that use the vocabulary words.

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