Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, 9/22/08.

1. Fix up Memoir and type up the 3rd draft. Follow your rubric grade to see how to make it better.
2. Get the Student/Parent Notice signed and bring in tomorrow.
3. Bring in ALL books tomorrow to be checked.

World Literature
1. Get the Student/Parent Notice signed and bring in tomorrow.
2. Bring in ALL books tomorrow to be checked.

To see the full text of "Flowers for Algernon," click here and enjoy! You may finish the reading if you did not in class.
If you did not finish the class questions, you may do so and get late credit for them. Here they are:

1. Name one thing that Charlie now notices about people that he never realized before. Copy the line from the text that shows your answer, and put it in correct MLA format.

2. What incident in the restaurant greatly affects Charlie? Why does it bother him so much?

3. What happens to Algernon?

4. Charlie discusses his research and finds that, “Artificially increased intelligence deteriorates at a rate of time directly proportional to the quantity of the increase”(57). After reading what is going on in the story, make an inference about what this means.

5. Copy one line that shows Charlie’s regression. Make sure it is in MLA format.

6. How do Frank and Joe, the workers at Charlie’s old job, change as a result of the events in the story?

7. What did you think of the story?

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