Happy Easter!
You may, however, choose to get ahead on your myth cards. If you are, here are the card generator websites you may use if you'd like:
Magic: The Gathering Card (make sure it's a "creature" card)
Yu-Gi-Oh Card (make sure it's a "monster" card)
Pokemon Card
English H I
1. JOTF #4 chapter 1 p.25-31
English H II
Existential film notes: Watch one of the existential or existentially-influenced films below and take notes, making connections between things in the movie and the tenets of existentialism. Notes are due after the break. CLICK HERE to download the existentialism outline powerpoint.
Rated 'PG' or 'PG-13':
Groundhog Day
The Truman Show
The Matrix
Citizen Kane
I, Robot
2001: A Space Odyssey
Donnie Darko
Harold & Maude
Rated 'R':
Fight Club
I ♥ Huckabees
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Being John Malkovich
American Beauty
Garden State
Jacob’s Ladder
No Country for Old Men
Waking Life
Dark City
Children of Men
****Please get a parental permission signature on the notes for any movies that are rated 'R'!!