Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 10/30-31/12

Happy Halloween!!

1. VPP7 exercise I.
2. Improve and revise your opinion essay, and write the final draft. Use the rubric to help you.
3. Finish the "Monkey's Paw" questions.

English H I
1. VPP7 exercises II & III.
2. Read "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl and answer the questions below:

1. Where is Billy coming from, and what is he trying to find in the town of Bath?
2. What are three things Billy sees that attracts him to the Bed and Breakfast place?
3. What is the first strange thing Billy notices about the landlady?
4. What is another strange thing that the landlady says or does (CD)?
5. Billy thinks he recognizes the names of the two young men in the guest book (Mulholland and Temple). Where does he think he remembers them from?
6. How does the landlady say the two young men were alike?
7. Where does the landlady say the two young men still are? What happened to the landlady’s pets?
8. What does the tea taste like?
9. What do you think will happen to Billy Weaver?
10. Copy two lines (CDs) of foreshadowing from the story.

English H II
1. VPP7 exercises III & IV.
2. Read The Odyssey books XIV and XV. Complete the study guide questions for those books.
3. Continue labeling the Odysseus map.
4. Start working on the Odyssey Project.
5. Start working on the Greek Heroism essay:
What heroic traits did the Greeks value? How is this evidenced in the various classic literature we have read so far in class? You must use The Odyssey along with at least two other examples of classic Greek literature. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, 10/29/12

1. VPP7 flashcards and notes.
2. Opinion essay rough draft - written/typed due Tuesday.
3. Poem rhyme scheme - finish up "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (5th period).

English H I
1. VPP7 notes, flashcards, and exercise I.
2. Type up the characterization narrative using Showing, not Telling. Due Tuesday. The rubric shows how you will be graded.

English H II
1. VPP7 notes, flashcards, and exercise I.
2. Read The Odyssey books XII and XIII. Complete the study guide questions for those books.
3. Continue labeling the Odysseus map.
4. Be ready for the Socratic Seminar, part II, of the Greek Hero discussion. This time we will focus on The Odyssey and The Iliad.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, 10/26/12

1. VPP7 word picture.
2. Write the rough draft of your opinion essay. Written or typed, due Tuesday.

English H I
1. VPP7 word picture.
2. Type up the characterization narrative using Showing, not Telling. Due Tuesday. The rubric shows how you will be graded.

English H II
1. VPP7 word picture.
2. Read The Odyssey books X and XI. Bring in your study guide questions for a check on Monday.
3. Continue labeling the Odysseus map with modern day locations.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, 10/25/12

1. Fill in and complete the essay organizer packet for your opinion essay.
2. Start thinking of how you'll write the Roger Letter when we start it...
3. Be ready for the VPP6 test tomorrow.

English H I
1. VPP6 test tomorrow. Be ready. Have your packet stapled and ready to go.
2. Finish the notes on characterization.
3. Fill in the character sheet with your own original character.

English H II
1. VPP6 test tomorrow. Be ready.
2. Read and do the study guide questions for The Odyssey books VIII-IX.
3. Start filling in your Odysseus Map.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 10/23-24/12

1. Fill in and complete the essay organizer packet for your opinion essay.
2. Start thinking of how you'll write the Roger Letter when we start it...

English H I
1. VPP6 exercises IV & V.
2. Finish the notes on characterization.
3. Fill in the character sheet with your own original character.

English H II
1. VPP6 exercise V.
2. Read and do the study guide questions for The Odyssey books V-VII.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, 10/22/12

1. VPP6 exercise I.
2. Complete your essay introduction or, if you are in periods 4/5, finish writing the three reasons why your thesis is right. Add an extra sentence before the thesis that explains the topic of your thesis.

English H I
1. VPP6 ex. II & III.
2. 2. Character on the street observation! Observe a stranger on the street. Write down four things that you notice: What the "character"saysdoes, how he/she looks, and how others react to him/her. Be detailed. Get as much information as possible without talking to the person.
ADDITION: Add the answer to this question - What do you think your person is like deep inside?
3. Nature/personification/sensory imagery poem.

English H II
1. VPP6 ex. III & IV
2. Odyssey books III & IV and study guide questions I-IV.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, 10/19/12

1. VPP6 exercise I.
2. Complete your essay introduction or, if you are in periods 4/5, finish writing the three reasons why your thesis is right. Add an extra sentence before the thesis that explains the topic of your thesis.

English H I
1. VPP6 exercise I
2. Character on the street observation! Observe a stranger on the street. Write down four things that you notice: What the "character" says, does, how he/she looks, and how others react to him/her. Be detailed. Get as much information as possible without talking to the person.

English H II
1. VPP6 exercise I.
2. Read book two of The Odyssey. Answer the following questions (or download them here):
1. What is Olympus?
2. Who is Telemachus?
3. Who is Odysseus and what has happened to him?
4. What is happening to Penelope during Odysseus' absence?
5. Who is the council that Telemachus calls? What does Telemachus tell the assembly about the suitors?
6. Who is Antinous? What does he say to Telemachus?
7. Who is Eurycleia?
8. What sort of trickery has Penelope been using against her suitors?
9. What sign indicated doom for the suitors?
10. What does the soothsayer (fortune teller) Halitherses say about this sign?
11.What is Eurymachus’ response to Halitherses?
12. In what disguise does Athena come to Telemachus and what is her advice to him?
13. What is Telemachus’ nurse’s name? What is her response to Telemachus’ plan? What does he say in response?
14. Where is Telemachus at the end of Book 2?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday-Thursday, 10/16/12

1. VPP6 word picture, flashcards, and quiz makeups.
2. Write your 5 thesis statements for your personal opinion essay. Use the Essay Idea Sheets to help you.

English H I
1. Persuasive opinion essay: Finish it up and type it.
2. VPP6 word picture and flashcards.

English H II
1. VPP6 word picture and flashcards.
2. Read Book I of The Odyssey.
3. Write a first person past tense narrative from Telemachus's point of view using the events of book I.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday-Thursday, 10/08-11/12

1. Complete the Setting Writing Piece! This is a Standards Task worth a very large part of your grade. Use the rubric to help you.
2. Complete the Midterm Review Packet.
3. Study Vocabulary lessons 1-5

English H I
1. Continue working on your Persuasive Opinion Essay. Fill in the Organizer Packet and then have your rough draft written in paragraph form ready by Monday of next week.
2. Complete the Midterm Review Packet and the Midterm Essay Review.
3. Study Vocabulary lessons 1-5
***get your Mythology book!

English H II
1. Prepare for the midterm Iliad Epic essay.
2. Get The Odyssey.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday, 10/05/12

1. Setting writing: Add figurative language to your draft, then type it up. Use the rubric to help you.
2. VPP5 - study.

English H I
1. Persuasive Opinion Essay: Fill in the introduction organizer page. Start getting evidence to support your thesis statement.
2. VPP5 - study.
***reminder: Get your Mythology book as soon as possible!

English H II
1. VPP5 packet - put it together and turn it in on Monday.
2. Essay introduction: Is The Iliad an epic?
***reminder: Get your The Odyssey book as soon as possible!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, 10/04/12

1. VPP5 exercise II, sentence completion.
2. Setting writing piece - finish your first draft!
3. Sensory detail Cornell notes (period 5) finish.

English H I
1. VPP5 exercises III-IV.
2. Persuasive Opinion Essay: Write your thesis statement and 3 reasons why you are right.
***Remember to get your Mythology book asap!

English H II
1. VPP5 exercise V.
2. Get The Odyssey.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday-Wednesday, 10/02-03/12

1. VPP5 notes, exercise I, and flashcards.
2. Setting writing - finish your first draft!

English H I
1. VPP5 notes, flashcards, and exercises I and II.
2. Persuasive Opinion Essay: Write your thesis statement and 3 reasons why you are right.
***Remember to get your Mythology book asap!

English H II
1. VPP5 exercises III and IV.
2. Finish the story of the Iliad.
3. Finish the Trojan War Where's Waldo-style sheet.