Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, 03/09-10/15

Physical Education
1. Be ready for the healthy eating quiz coming soon! You might want to study your review sheet...

Today's activity


-Processed vs Real foods notes

-Hockey: How to pass & shoot

Strength & Conditioning
1. Drink plenty of water and eat protein-rich foods to aid in your hypertrophy.

Today's activity

-Bodybuilding/hypertrophy training: Leg day:
Squat 3x8
Deadlift 3x8
Weighted Lunge 3x8
Wall Sit Leg Extension 3x10+
Calf Raises 3x10
Abs of your choice
Focus muscle exercise of your choice

English 9
1. Mythology essay rough draft due. Click here for the rubric and here for the essay organizer packet
2. Response poem rough draft due.

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