Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, 05/26-27/15

Physical Education
1. No homework

Today's activity
-5 rounds of the following:
20 seconds wall sit
20 seconds push-ups
20 seconds sit-ups
Score is the total number of push-ups and sit-ups all combined

-Baseball in the gym

Strength & Conditioning
1. No homework

Today's activity
Physical Challenge
The Filthy Fifty (or Dirty Thirty or Survive Twenty-Five or Funny Twenty)
Do 50 (or 30/25/20) reps of each of the following, in order, for time:
Bench Jumps
Jumping Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings
Walking Lunges
Knees to Elbows
Push Press
Good Mornings
Wall Balls
Jump Rope Jumps

English 9
1. Lord of the Flies essay CDs finish. Remember that each member of your partnership needs to have the essay organizer filled out. Click here for the rubric and prompts.
2. VL12 definition guesses in the weekly work packet.
3. FAHRENHEIT 451 read pages 1-45 and take notes on your own. Be ready to answer questions about the reading when you get back to school.

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