Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, 08/24/12

1. Syllabus quiz make-ups due Monday.
2. Get your books and materials....

English H I
1. Finish watching the episode of If You Really Knew Me.
2. Answer the following questions all together in paragraph format:
If I had to fit into a "clique" or "label," what would it be?
What would I want/wish my label to be?
What are my strengths? My weaknesses?
How do I think others see me?
What drives/motivates me?
What would I want my memorial or epitaph to be?
Who do I want to be?
What did I think of the If You Really Knew Me episode? Explain. 
Think about this as you answer~
What do the following say about who you are?
# Job
# Possessions
# Gender
# Nationality
# Health situation
# Role in life
# Personal appearance? 

English H II
1. MY Classics: An Art Installation Project. Create an art project that exhibits your personal classics that have influenced who you are -- they can include works of art, film, television, literature, music, or other works. It must have a visual component that displays five or more works and a typed written component. Due Monday.
2. Vocabulary Power Plus (VPP) lesson one: start working on exercise I, Words in Context, on a sheet of looseleaf paper.

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